DCSD Clever Launchpad / VERGE / Infinite Campus / Office 365

DeKalb County Schools presents the Clever Launchpad, a student portal that provides access to the VERGE online classroom, the Infinite Campus gradebook, and the student Office365/Outlook accounts, as well as a multitude of digital academic resources which are provided by the district. With the Clever Launchpad, students are able to integrate technology in the classroom while maximizing instructional time. The Clever Launchpad is dynamic tool that changes resources as the needs of the students change. It is easily accessible from any mobile device.
For more information on the DCSD Clever Launchpad, please click here. For more information about Office365, please click here.
The student’s username is:
“S” + Student ID Number
For example: s1234567
Please note that the student number is listed on all progress reports and in Parent Assistant.
The student’s email address (for Office365 and Google Drive) is:
“S” + Student Number @ dekalbschoolsga.org
For example: [email protected]
Please note that students only have email access through Office365/Outlook. While students will use their DCSD email address to login to Google Drive, Gmail has been disabled. All email will filter through Office365/Outlook.
Dekalb County Free Digital Resource Guide
Charter will offer free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription and at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
Click here to see a flyer. Comcast officials has announced that the company taking steps to implement new policies for the next 60 days to help ensure people stay connected to the Internet during COVID-19 (coronavirus) closures. One of those steps includes free Xfinity WiFi.
Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free—including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers.
For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit www.xfinity.com/wifi. Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots and then launch a browser.
LAUNCHPAD is a student portal that provides access to the students’ Office 365 accounts as well as a multitude of digital academic resources which are provided by the district. With Launchpad, students are able to integrate technology in the classroom while maximizing instructional time. Launchpad is dynamic tool that changes resources as the needs of the students change. It is easily accessible from any mobile device.
Information on how to access our Launchpad that has resources such as textbooks, typing software, Office 365, checking grades, Galileo, BrainPop, Khan Academy, Vocabulary, and much more.
Digital Learning begins with accessing Verge.
"A cloud-based learning management system (LMS) designed specifically for the K-12 market. Through its distinctive design, it allows districts to personalize learning by putting curriculum resources, instructional strategies, objective-based lesson plans and assessments, all in one easy-to-access central location." (Edtech Digest, 2019)